

    1492 Ensisheim Meteorite strikes a wheat field near the village of Ensisheim in Alsace, France. Oldest meteorite with a known date of impact.

    1637 Anne Hutchinson, the first female religious leader in the American colonies, was banished from the Massachusetts Bay Colony for heresy.

    1775 Lord Dunmore, promises freedom to male slaves who join British army

    1811 Rebellious Indians in a conspiracy organized in defiance of the United States government by Tecumseh, Shawnee chief, are defeated during his absence in the Battle of the Wabash (or Tippecanoe) by William Henry Harrison, governor of Indiana Territory.

    1837 In Alton, IL, abolitionist printer Elijah P. Lovejoy was shot to death by a mob (supporters of slavery) while trying to protect his printing shop from a third destruction.

    1872 Cargo ship Mary Celeste sails from Staten Island for Genoa; mysteriously found abandoned four weeks later

    1874 The Republican Party was first symbolized as an elephant in a cartoon drawn by Thomas Nast in Harper’s Weekly magazine.

    1916 President Woodrow Wilson is re-elected, but the race is so close that all votes must be counted before an outcome can be determined, so the results are not known until November 11

    1917 October Revolution in Russia; Lenin and the Bolsheviks seize power, capture the Winter Palace and overthrow the Provisional Government.

    1933 Pennsylvania voters overturn blue law, by permitting Sunday sports

    1940 The middle section of the Tacoma Narrows Bridge in Washington state collapsed during a windstorm. The suspension bridge had opened to traffic on July 1, 1940.


    1955 Supreme Court of Baltimore bans segregation in public recreational areas

    1956 UN General Assembly calls for France, Israel and the UK to immediately withdraw their troops from Egypt.

    1962 Richard Nixon quits politics-You won’t have Nixon to kick around

    1965 The “Pillsbury Dough Boy” debuted in television commercials.

    1967 President Lyndon B. Johnson signs a bill establishing the Corporation for Public Broadcasting.

    1973 Congress overrides Pres. Richard M. Nixon’s veto of the War Powers Resolution that limited presidential power to wage ware without congressional approval.

    1983 A bomb explodes in the US Capitol’s Senate Chambers area, causing $250,000 damages but no one is harmed; a group calling itself the Armed Resistance Unit claimed the bomb was retaliation for US military involvement in Grenada and Lebanon.

    1985 The Colombian army stormed the country’s Palace of Justice. The siege claimed the lives of 100 people, including 11 Supreme Court Justices. The Palace had been seized by leftist guerrillas belonging to the April 19 Movement.

    1991 Magic Johnson announces he has HIV virus & retires from Lakers

    1995 In a Japanese courtroom, three U.S. military men admitted to the rape of a 12-year-old Okinawan schoolgirl.

    2000 Controversial US presidential election between George W. Bush and Al Gore is inconclusive; the result, in Bush’s favor, is eventually resolved by the Supreme Court

    2007 Pekka-Eric Auvinen a student at Finland’s Jokela Secondary School goes on a shooting rampage armed with a SIG Mosquito .22 calibre pistol killing nine people including students and the school principal before turning the gun on himself.

    2009 The House of Representatives has approved a sweeping overhaul of the nation’s health care system, advancing legislation that could stand as one of the Democrats most important social policy achievements.

    2013 The United States Senate passed the Employment Non-Discrimination Act (ENDA). The bill would help to ban gay and transgender discrimination in the workplace.


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