Trump to start process of sending Americans back to moon: White House (FOX Business)


    Trump to start process of sending Americans back to moon: White House – By Steve Holland ( / Dec 11 2017

    WASHINGTON (Reuters) – President Donald Trump on Monday will sign a directive aimed at sending Americans back to the moon and eventually to Mars, the White House said.

    Spokesman Hogan Gidley said Trump will sign “Space Policy Directive 1” that orders NASA “to lead an innovative space exploration program to send American astronauts back to the Moon, and eventually Mars.”

    PB/TK -Ah yes the Moon, our future home. I remember back in 2004 POTUS Georgie 43 stated his intentions to have the US go back and visit but didn’t put pen to paper till 2008. But with NASA’s continued budget declines and rough estimate of $50 Billion to get the program going, which current program is gonna see a budget cut or will NASA finally get moved into the Defense Dept instead of under White House 

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