Home Conservative U.S. Adds 28,000 Jobs in Manufacturing–and 8,000 in Government

U.S. Adds 28,000 Jobs in Manufacturing–and 8,000 in Government


Manufacturing job hires outpace Government job hires in January and February so far….. However, Government job numbers in total during that time frame sits about 9 million more then manufacturing – PB/TK

U.S. Adds 28,000 Jobs in Manufacturing–and 8,000 in Government – By Terence P. Jeffrey March 10, 2017

(CNSNews.com) – The United States added 28,000 jobs in manufacturing in February and 8,000 in government, according to numbers released today by the Bureau of Labor Statistics.
So far in 2017 (January and February), the U.S. has gained 39,000 manufacturing jobs and 25,000 government jobs.
Nonetheless, in February, government jobs in the United States outnumbered manufacturing jobs by 9,942,000.
That is down from is down from the 9,956,000 margin that government jobs had over manufacturing jobs in December 2016, according to the BLS numbers.

Continue to cnsnews.com article: http://www.cnsnews.com/news/article/terence-p-jeffrey/us-adds-28000-jobs-manufacturing-and-8000-government

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