Why is Kansas Sen. Roger Marshall obsessed with the origin of COVID-19? (Kansas City Star)


    Why is Kansas Sen. Roger Marshall obsessed with the origin of COVID-19? – By Daniel Desrochers (Kansas City Star) / Oct 9 2021

    Kansas Sen. Roger Marshall likes people to know he’s a doctor. His staff call him “Doc.” He petitioned, when running for U.S. Senate in 2020, to get the nickname on the ballot. The state board of elections ruled against him. He won the race anyway.

    He’s vaccinated. His wife is vaccinated. Both his parents are vaccinated and he says they’ll be getting booster shots.

    But Doc Marshall is also a politician and a significant chunk of his base doesn’t feel so certain about the pandemic.

    Many Kansas Republicans have refused to get vaccinated — Marshall says he thinks vaccines are a personal choice and has tried to fight against federal vaccine mandates. Many Kansas Republicans don’t like mask mandates either — Marshall has publicly said he doesn’t think mask mandates work and doesn’t wear a mask around the Capitol, despite the Capitol physician’s recommendation.

    CONTINUE > https://www.kansascity.com/news/politics-government/article254772197.html#storylink=mainstage_lead

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