With Democrats’ health agenda stalled, lawmakers turn to insuli (Politico)


    With Democrats’ health agenda stalled, lawmakers turn to insulin – By Alice Miranda Ollstein (Politico) / March 23, 2022

    The push comes as many other Democratic proposals to lower health care costs remain on ice.

    Democrats who have hit a wall on achieving sweeping drug price reforms during what could be their final months controlling Congress are pushing a narrower policy fix they hope will bolster the midterm fortunes of key members.

    Sen. Chuck Schumer announced a plan on Tuesday to bring legislation to the floor just after Easter that would cap the out-of-pocket cost for insulin products at $35 per month and take other steps to extend relief to diabetics, a bumper-sticker-ready plan that would deliver on at least some of the Democrats’ promises to tackle health costs.

    The policy is a top priority for Sens. Jeanne Shaheen (D-N.H.) and Raphael Warnock (D-Ga.), one of his party’s most vulnerable members up for reelection in November, and the push comes as many other Democratic proposals to lower health care costs — expanding Medicaid, extending Obamacare subsidies that are set to expire at the end of the year, and allowing the federal government to bargain down the price of certain drugs — remain on ice.

    CONTINUE > https://www.politico.com/news/2022/03/23/democrats-health-agenda-insulin-00019803

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