Racism in US isn’t a big problem, Ohio Trump delegates say – By Darrel Rowland (The Columbus Dispatch) / Aug 24 2020
Ohio’s Donald Trump delegates chosen for this week’s Republican National Convention heartily agree on four things:
‒ Trump is going to win.
‒ Joe Biden does not have the mental and physical stamina necessary to carry out the job of president.
‒ They do not approve of Black Lives Matter.
‒ Racism is not much of a problem in America.
In a Dispatch survey of the GOP delegates, 43% said racism was “somewhat of a problem” in our society today, while 57% viewed it as only a “small problem.”
None of those who responded labeled it “a big problem.”
Continue to article: https://www.dispatch.com/news/20200824/racism-in-us-isnrsquot-big-problem-ohio-trump-delegates-say