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Abbott tried to block employer vaccine mandates. IBM, American Air, and Southwest just snubbed him (Daily Kos)


Abbott tried to block employer vaccine mandates. IBM, American Air, and Southwest just snubbed him – By Kerry Eleveld (Daily Kos) / Oct 13 2021

Three of the biggest employers in Texas have spiked Republican Gov. Greg Abbott’s deadly ban on employer-issued vaccine mandates in the state, according to Bloomberg.

Abbott tried to block the mandates after President Joe Biden took action requiring large employers and federal contractors to vaccinate their workforce. IBM, American, and Southwest are all federal contractors who stand to lose business if they ignore Biden’s mandate and, well, none of them want to lose that business to an order from a pipsqueak governor who doesn’t actually understand the limits of his power.

“IBM is a federal contractor and must comply with federal requirements, which directs employees of federal contractors to be fully vaccinated against COVID-19 by Dec. 8, or obtain a medical or religious accommodation,” a spokesperson for the New York-based company told Bloomberg.

American and Southwest sounded similar notes.

CONITNUE > https://www.dailykos.com/stories/2021/10/13/2057848/-Abbott-tried-to-block-employer-vaccine-mandates-IBM-American-Air-and-Southwest-just-snubbed-him



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