As Trump Labels Coronavirus Relief Fund Oversight a ‘Witch Hunt,’ Republicans Pursue Biden Investigation (Rolling Stone)


    As Trump Labels Coronavirus Relief Fund Oversight a ‘Witch Hunt,’ Republicans Pursue Biden Investigation – By Peter Wade (Rolling Stone) / April 3 2020

    “It’s a witch hunt after witch hunt after witch hunt. And in the end, the people doing the witch hunt have been losing,” the president said. Yet at the same time, the Biden investigation continues

    President Donald Trump railed against upcoming congressional oversight his administration will face after Democratic leaders announced the creation of a new select committee that will oversee how the $2.2 trillion economic coronavirus aid package will be divvied out.

    On Thursday, the president used the White House press briefing on the coronavirus to position the oversight as a waste of time during a crisis. Trump echoed the same language he used in the past when referring to the impeachment process, calling it a “witch hunt.”

    Reading from prepared statements, Trump said, “It’s a witch hunt after witch hunt after witch hunt. And in the end, the people doing the witch hunt have been losing, and they have been losing by a lot. And it is not any time for witch hunts. It’s time to get this [the coronavirus] enemy defeated.”

    Trump continued, “Conducting these partisan investigations in the middle of a pandemic is a really big waste of vital resources, time, attention, and we want to fight for American lives.”

    Conversely, while Trump takes time out of a coronavirus briefing to focus on “partisan investigations” that have not even begun because “vital resources, time, attention” should be spent by public officials in the “fight for American lives,” the president said nothing about the Republican-led Senate committee pressing forward with its investigation into former vice president Joe Biden’s son, Hunter.

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