Being a furry in Pittsburgh takes money, time and planning (Triblive)


    Being a furry in Pittsburgh takes money, time and planning – By Paul Guggenheimer (Triblive) / July 1, 2023

    Being a furry in Pittsburgh is not as easy as it might appear. It involves more than just showing up, putting on an animal costume, and walking in a parade.

    For example it takes a considerable financial investment to become what is known in furry circles as a “high dollar member” at Pittsburgh’s 2023 Anthrocon Convention taking place this weekend. There are different classifications of furries based on how much participants are willing to spend. There are regular attendees, sponsors, super sponsors and ultra sponsors

    On Saturday morning at the Westin Hotel, husband and wife Joseph and Cassie Bryant of Lansing, Mich. were enjoying a buffet brunch, one of the perks of being a super sponsor. which cost them $375 apiece. Organizers say the money goes toward various animal rescue groups; this year it’s an organization that protects rabbits called The Rabbit Wranglers of Pittsburgh.

    The Bryants also received first dibs on a king suite at the Westin, which goes for $1,000 for the weekend. There was also the cost of transportation from Lansing, which is 350 miles from Pittsburgh. Joseph and Cassie traveled separately. He drove and she took the train.


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