British Navy forces storm oil tanker in English Channel after possible hijacking threat (UPI)


    British Navy forces storm oil tanker in English Channel after possible hijacking threat – By Jean Lotus (UPI) / Oct 25 2020

    Oct. 25 (UPI) — Elite British Naval forces “fast-roped” from helicopters to storm a crude oil tanker in the English Channel Sunday and arrested seven stowaways whom the crew believed planned to hijack the ship.

    The operation took 9 minutes, authorities said.

    Crew members aboard the Liberian-registered Nave Andromeda had contacted police in Hampshire Sunday morning to report that people who had concealed themselves onboard the ship had made “verbal threats” after being detained on board.

    The British minister of defense’s office confirmed Sunday night that members of the Special Boat Service had boarded the ship and taken people into custody.

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