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Getting Rid of the Legislative Filibuster in the Senate Would Mean to the End of the United States (Right Wing News)


Getting Rid of the Legislative Filibuster in the Senate Would Mean to the End of the United States – By John Hawkins (Right Wing News) / Aug 2020

The title sounds overly dramatic, doesn’t it? After all, when the Democrats got rid of the filibuster for Executive Branch nominees and judicial candidates, it wasn’t majorly disruptive. It also didn’t seem to be a big deal when Mitch McConnell dropped the rule for Supreme Court Justices in 2017. What is the difference? Well, first of all, keep in mind what we’re talking about. The President in power already has a right to pick Executive Branch nominees and judicial candidates. Back in 2013, if the other party in the Senate stopped a candidate, the President was still allowed to pick another candidate, with almost the exact same views, and send them for confirmation. Given the all-out partisan war that Congress has become, it just gave them one less thing to fight about without really changing much of anything. After all, IF Joe Biden wins in 2020, does it matter if he chooses Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez to be the head of NASA or chooses Ilhan Omar to be Secretary of Defense? Not really because if you don’t get them, you’ll get someone else who thinks exactly the same way. The same goes for the Supreme Court. If Ruth Bader Ginsberg were to drop dead and Biden replaced her with Anita Hill, Merrick Garland, or Michael Moore, they’d all vote exactly the same way on close issues with big implications for liberals. Whether it is the most qualified judge on earth or someone that has never opened a legal textbook, they all view the Supreme Court as just another way to push liberal issues.

The filibuster for legislation would be an entirely different animal for a number of reasons. To begin with, it subverts the whole purpose of the Senate so famously described in that supposed breakfast meeting between Thomas Jefferson and George Washington:

Continue to article: https://rightwingnews.com/column-2/getting-rid-of-the-legislative-filibuster-in-the-senate-would-mean-to-the-end-of-the-united-states/


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