‘Hard to trust’: Afghans sceptical of US-Taliban agreement (Al Jazeera)


    ‘Hard to trust’: Afghans sceptical of US-Taliban agreement – By Shereena Qazi (Al Jazeera) / March 1 2020

    As the US and the Taliban reach an agreement, questions loom over fate of women’s rights in Afghanistan.

    Moments after United States and Taliban negotiators struck a deal to end America’s longest war fought in Afghanistan, Marwa Khan, a Kabul resident, called his mother and said: “They have signed the deal, the war is over.”

    “This war has brought so much sorrow. I cry looking at people who lost their loved ones. This is a step forward for us,” Khan told Al Jazeera.

    On Saturday, the two sides signed a deal in Qatar’s capital, Doha, that outlines the withdrawal of foreign troops from Afghanistan.

    It also includes a Taliban guarantee that Afghan soil will not be used by foreign armed groups that would threaten the security of the US and its allies.

    The deal promises peace in the country but Maryam Hussaini, 27, is still mourning the loss of her sister, Najiba.

    In 2017, the Taliban attacked a bus in Kabul carrying government employees. The attack killed 23 people, mainly workers of the Afghan Ministry of Mines and Petroleum. Among those killed was Najiba.

    Continue to article: https://www.aljazeera.com/news/2020/03/trust-afghans-sceptical-taliban-agreement-200301052025171.html


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