How Much Will Trump’s Veterans Choice Program Cost Taxpayers?-


    POTUS Donnie extends Vet’s Choice Program till 2018, so if you’re a Veteran and can’t get into the VA in a timely manner, you can now seek out  an eligible non-VA doctor for health care. But should it matter how much it costs to help those that served?  PB/TK

    How Much Will Trump’s Veterans Choice Program Cost Taxpayers?- By

    President Donald Trump signed into law the Veterans Choice Program Extension and Improvement Act, Wednesday, that extends the Veterans Choice Program. It also allows patients who are unable to schedule an appointment at a Veterans Administration facility in a timely manner to receive care from an eligible non-VA doctor for health care. The development comes as Trump makes an effort to deliver on one of his campaign promises.

    The Veterans Choice Improvement Act signed by Trump removes barriers that Congress placed around the original Choice initiative and also eliminates an expiration date that would have ended the program in August this year.

    The extension in the meantime will give Veterans Affairs Secretary David Shulkin time to develop a detailed healthcare plan for veterans. Under the newly signed law, the VA will be allowed to continue operating its Choice program until it runs out of funds, which is expected till early next year. The program was scheduled to expire on August 7 with nearly $1 billion left over, according to reports

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