MPs’ staff face ‘unacceptable risk’ of bullying and harassment, report finds (Sky News)


    MPs’ staff face ‘unacceptable risk’ of bullying and harassment, report finds – By Alan McGuinness (Sky News) / July 11 2019

    Gemma White QC, who carried out an independent inquiry into harassment in the Commons, called the issue a “significant problem”.

    Staff working for MPs are subject to an “unacceptable risk” of bullying and harassment, a report has found, with “urgent” action needed to tackle the problem.

    Gemma White QC, who carried out an independent inquiry into harassment in the House of Commons, called the issue a “significant problem” and said many workers felt raising concerns would be “career suicide”.

    It comes after a damning report found a “toxic” culture of deference at the House of Lords and called for members of the upper chamber to face medical examinations to see if they need to be barred from parliament.

    Revealing her findings into the treatment of staff at Westminster, Ms White said: “Some staff of members of parliament are subject to an unacceptable risk of bullying and harassment, including sexual harassment, at work.”

    She added: “Workplace harassment and bullying by MPs towards staff has been tolerated and accepted for too long.

    “It has seriously affected the health and welfare of far too many people.

    “There is a pressing need for a collective response to what is clearly a significant problem.”

    Ms White said staff employed by MPs are in “uniquely vulnerable position” and many said the idea of complaining about bullying and harassment would be “career suicide”.

    “They also often have strong party and personal loyalties which constitute significant barriers to complaint”, she added.

    Ms White said she had set out recommendations for “straightforward and practical action” and urged the House to “move more swiftly”.

    One staff member told the investigation: “As long as getting political jobs in parliament are dependent on who you know and who you’re related to, sexual harassment will be a necessary evil for ambitious young… people like me who will choose our careers over our comfort every time.”

    Another said: “Working in the Houses of Parliament is meant to be an honour, but the actions of some MPs and staff members destroys any sense of pride.

    “We are expendable staffers, with no independent HR service, and therefore no recourse.”

    The report said that “by the far most common form of offending behaviour” described was that of MPs who “shout at, demean, belittle and humiliate their staff on a regular basis, often in public”.

    “The constant ‘drip, drip’, as more than one contributor put it, eats away at the employee’s self-confidence until they become anxious, exhausted and ill, incapable of performing their job and – often following a period of sick leave – resign or are dismissed,” the report said.

    “Well over half of the people who contributed to this inquiry described suffering significant mental and/or physical illness as a result of this type of bullying behaviour.

    “Sexual harassment is also a problem, with staff being subject to unwanted sexual advances, often accompanied by touching, sometimes forceful.”

    The report found “an unacceptable level of sexual ‘banter’ and unwelcome discussion of intimate sexual details”.

    “The majority of contributors described being bullied and harassed by their MP employer,” it said.

    “Some of the worst offenders are well known as such within the parliamentary community but, other than the odd ‘quiet word’ from a fellow MP or the relevant whips office, action has rarely been taken to address their behaviour.

    “In the words of one contributor, there has been a ‘general disregard for the dignity, wellbeing and employment rights of MPs’ staff’.”


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