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Sen. Coons: ‘No,’ To Age Limit on Presidency, an ‘Informed Electorate’ Can Decide (CNS News)


Sen. Coons: ‘No,’ To Age Limit on Presidency, an ‘Informed Electorate’ Can Decide – By Lucy Collins (CNS News) / June 23, 2022

(CNS News) — When asked if there should be a maximum age for presidents, Sen. Chris Coons (D-Del.) rejected the idea and said an “informed electorate” can decide at the ballot box. He added that “some of our most seasoned senior senators, if there were an age limit, we wouldn’t have been able to have them continue to serve.”

At the US Capitol on Wednesday, CNS News asked Sen. Chris Coons (D-Del.), “The Constitution requires that the president must be at least 35 to take office. Do you think that there should be an age maximum?”

Sen. Coons responded, “No. When folks, ask me ‘What do you think of term limits?’ I have the same answer I do about age limits, which is the whole point is an informed electorate. I trust the American people to assess their options in terms of candidates and to make the right choice.”

CONTINUE > https://www.cnsnews.com/index.php/article/washington/lucy-collins/sen-coons-no-age-limit-presidency-informed-electorate-can-decide

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