Home Liberal Ted Cruz proposes new law that would prohibit preferred names. Like ‘Ted’?...

Ted Cruz proposes new law that would prohibit preferred names. Like ‘Ted’? (Daily Kos)


Ted Cruz proposes new law that would prohibit preferred names. Like ‘Ted’? – By Walter Einenkel (Daily Kos) / Dec 1, 2023

Can one man have only bad ideas? Sen. Ted Cruz is testing it out.

In mid-November, he proposed a new bill that would “prohibit the use of funds to implement, administer, or enforce measures requiring certain employees to refer to an individual by the preferred pronouns of such individual or a name other than the legal name of such individual.”

Unfortunately titled the “Safeguarding Honest Speech Act,” many people have pointed out that the Canadian-born Cruz’s “legal” name is not “Ted.” It isn’t “Theodore” or “Teddy,” either. It’s Rafael Edward Cruz. Says it right here on his birth certificate. According to the Texas senator’s own law, we should call him Rafael Cruz. His law would also likely allow us to call him Edward Cruz.

CONTINUE > https://www.dailykos.com/stories/2023/12/1/2209075/-Rafael-Edward-Ted-Cruz-wants-to-limit-names-other-than-a-person-s-legal-name-in-workplace?pm_campaign=front_page&pm_source=top_news_slot_8&pm_medium=web

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