These States Will Exempt Your Solar Panels From Property Taxes and Sales Tax (CNET)


    a white house with a Spanish tile roof and several solar panels

    These States Will Exempt Your Solar Panels From Property Taxes and Sales Tax – By Peter Butler (CNET) / Apr 17 2023

    Solar panels can boost your home’s value, while state tax exemptions can help bring down your total cost.

    Solar panels can save you money on your electric bill and help the environment at the same time. Tax credits restored by the Inflation Reduction Act and local incentives can sweeten the deal further.

    But will that new solar installation cost you more money in state property or sales taxes?

    Installing solar panels generally increases the value of your home, making it susceptible to a higher appraisal and increased taxes.

    Many states, however, exempt residential solar panels from property taxes, letting you boost the value of your home while keeping the same tax base, or limiting its increase. Other states exempt sales taxes for purchases of solar installation equipment, and some states offer exemptions for both types of taxes.




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