
    235 St Pontianus ends his reign as Catholic Pope

    855 Benedict III begins his reign as Catholic Pope

    1349 People of Krems Austria accuse Jews of poisoning the wells

    1399 Richard II of England is deposed. His cousin, Henry of Lancaster, declares himself king under the name Henry IV.

    1513 Spanish explorer Vasco Nunez de Balboa discovers the Pacific Ocean.

    1567 War of Religion breaks out in France – Huguenots try to kidnap King Charles IX

    1789 Congress votes to create a U.S. army.

    1829 Sir Robert Peel’s police force, the “bobbies,” began operations at Scotland Yard.

    1850 Mormon leader Brigham Young is named the first governor of the Utah Territory.

    1879 Dissatisfied Ute Indians kill Agent Nathan Meeker and nine others in the “Meeker Massacre.”

    1932 A five-day work week is established for General Motors workers.

    1936 Radio used for 1st time for a presidential campaign

    1941 30,000 Jews are gunned down in Kiev when Heinrich Himmler sends four strike squads to exterminate Soviet Jewish civilians and other “undesirables.”

    1943 Adolf Hitler’s book Mein Kampf is published in the United States.

    1951 The first network football game was televised by CBS-TV in color. The game was between the University of California and the University of Pennsylvania.

    1960 Soviet Premier Nikita Khrushchev disrupts meeting of the United Nations General Assembly demanding UN Secretary General Dag Hammarskjold be replaced over the way UN forces have intervened in the recent trouble in former Belgian Congo.

    1962 A new report by the department of Labor Statistics shows that the average weekly take home pay of a factory worker with three dependents is now $94.87.

    1966 Chevrolet introduces the Camaro, which will become an iconic car.

    1977 The Japanese government has agreed to the Red Army terrorist demands of $6,000,000 plus the release of 9 terrorists for the release of the 146 persons held hostage by the Red Army Terrorists from an airliner hijacked and now held in Bangladesh.

    1983 The War Powers Act was used for the first time by the U.S. Congress when they authorized President Reagan to keep U.S. Marines in Lebanon for 18 more months.

    1984 Irish officials announced that they had intercepted the Marita Anne carrying seven tons of U.S.-purchased weapons. The weapons were intended for the Irish Republican Army.

    1990 The YF-22, later named F-22 Raptor, flies for the first time.

    1992 Brazilian President Fernando Collor de Mello impeached for corruptions; he was the youngest president in the nation’s history, taking office at age 40 in 1990.

    1994 The U.S. House voted to end the practice of lobbyist buying meals and entertainment for members of Congress.

    2006 A fifteen year old student Eric Hainstock shot and killed his principal on this day. The shooting took place in Cazenovia, Wisconsin. The principal John Klang tried to stop the student and wrestled him to the ground but was shot in the confrontation.

    2008 Dow Jones Industrial Average falls 777.68 points, its largest single-day point loss, following the bankruptcies of Lehman Brothers and Washington Mutual

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