Trump Declares Himself “King of Israel,” the “Second Coming of God” (Vanity Fair)


    Trump Declares Himself “King of Israel,” the “Second Coming of God” – By Bess Levin (Vanity Fair) / Aug 21 2019

    The president is sick of “disloyal” American Jews, who apparently don’t know what’s good for them. But “Jewish people in Israel love him,” according to the crazed conspiracy theorist Trump quoted on Twitter.

    Donald Trump on Thursday denies Russian interference helped him win the presidency in 2016 — less than an hour after acknowledging that it did.Andrew Harrer/Bloomberg via Getty

    It’s been an eventful 18 hours in the fevered mind of Donald Trump. Yesterday, the president unleashed an anti-Semitic rant in the Oval Office in which he declared that Jews who vote for Democrats are either uneducated or disloyal. Unfortunately, with about 70% of Americans Jews being registered Democrats, that’s a lot of disloyalty. So Trump looked elsewhere for answers, and lo, he found an unhinged supporter who says Israelis (the real Jews!) love Trump like the “King of Israel” and “the second coming of God.” Then he cited him on Twitter:

    It’s probably self-evident that anyone claiming Trump is the Messiah is not right in the head, but just so it’s on the record, Wayne Allyn Root—a self-described “Jew turned evangelical Christian”—is an unhinged conspiracy theorist who believes the 2017 Las Vegas shooting was a “coordinated Muslim terror attack” by ISIS and that George Soros paid actors to stage the “Unite the Right” rally in Charlottesville that included Nazi chants like “Jews will not replace us.”

    Trump, incredibly, seems to believe that he’s going to win over Jewish voters by telling them they don’t know what’s good for them (“They don’t even know what they’re doing or saying anymore!”). Or perhaps he’s just given up on American Jews, and is looking to the Likudniks for narcissistic supply. Insulting Americans for being disloyal to Israel, where the second coming is going to take place—led by Trump in the role of Jesus—seems like an odd pitch to anyone who knows literally anything about Judaism, but that’s probably beside the point. Stay tuned for tomorrow, when Trump cites the teachings of Mel Gibson as reason for this particular constituency to get on board.


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