Kansas GOP seeks to end federal unemployment benefits in effort to ‘return to normal’ (Kansas City Star)


    Kansas GOP seeks to end federal unemployment benefits in effort to ‘return to normal’ – By Katie Bernard and Bryan Lowry (Kansas City Star) / May 13 2021


    In late April a Kansas activist posted in a Facebook group seeking unpaid unemployment claimants on behalf of a state Republican Party leader.

    Kim Borchers, the Kansas Republican National Committeewoman, was in search of jobless people willing to describe their struggles with the Kansas Department of Labor in a video that would air as an attack against Gov. Laura Kelly in the 2022 gubernatorial race.

    Cassandra Dickerson, the activist, agreed to help.

    “It’s so challenging and difficult because I know it will be used to weaponize this election, particularly against Governor Kelly,” said Dickerson, a 40-year-old Olathe woman who has organized protests related to unemployment benefits in Kansas. “I’ve really tried to stay neutral in this situation but I cannot sit back and pretend that this did not happen and this did not happen under (Kelly’s) watch.”

    CONTINUE > https://www.kansascity.com/news/politics-government/article251393613.html



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