Organic meat production just as bad for climate, study finds (The Guardian)


    Organic meat production just as bad for climate, study finds – By Damian Carrington (The Guardian) / Dec 23 2020

    Analysis also found the lowest impact meat was still far more damaging than the worst plant foods

    The cost of the climate damage caused by organic meat production is just as high as that of conventionally farmed meat, according to research.

    The analysis estimated the greenhouse gas emissions resulting from different foods and calculated how much their prices would need to rise to cover the harm they cause by fuelling the climate emergency.

    For beef and lamb, organic and conventional production resulted in similar climate costs, the study found. Organic chicken was slightly worse for the climate and organic pork slightly better than their conventional counterparts.

    Conventional livestock’s emissions come from their manure and, for cows and sheep, by burping methane. The grain they are fed can also result in high emissions, especially if it is associated with deforestation, such as in South America.



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