Rush Limbaugh says Reality Winner leak story is a left-wing conspiracy


    Limbaugh finds the Reality Winner story just way to convenient to believe. I can agree with that, but I find humor that he’s complaining the story dropped while he was away. Yes Rush, no news happens when you’re on the golf course – PB/TK

    Rush Limbaugh says Reality Winner leak story is a left-wing conspiracy – By Carlos Garcia / June 6 2017

    Right-wing talk show host Rush Limbaugh hinted that he didn’t believe the story behind the arrest of federal contractor Reality Winner because it was too “convenient.” He made the comments on his radio show Tuesday.

    “Well, the NSA has had this for I don’t know how long,” Limbaugh said. “Obama has known about this even before he went out in December and said there’s no evidence that the Russians ever tried to tamper with voting machines. He said this in December.”

    “He said that it wouldn’t be possible,” he explained. “This document or this series of documents that were leaked to The Intercept by Reality Winner do not say what the Drive-By Media is reporting.”

    “They do not say that the Russians succeeded in hacking voting machines,” he continued, “but it doesn’t matter because the left is off and running with this now as is the Drive-By Media, as best as can be determined, and it is really in the weeds the more you read this NSA document.”

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