Home Liberal The state of my dangerous liberal rhetoric will remain strong and loud

The state of my dangerous liberal rhetoric will remain strong and loud


The finger pointing by both Left/Right is disgusting. Yep the Left can point fingers at how the Right treated POTUS Barry from McConnell’s mouth of not wanting to work with him to Nugent’s profanity laced whining tirades. But it doesn’t make the Left any better after 5 months of POTUS Donnie, honestly where are the adults on the playground? What you say, the playground is filled with precious snowflakes of both Parties sucking their thumbs and crying foul – PB/TK

The state of my dangerous liberal rhetoric will remain strong and loud – By Frank Vyan Watson / June 18 2017

A tragedy occurred this week, even though as I type this there were no fatal casualties other than the shooter himself, it needs to be noted that the Alexandria attack on congressional Republicans was a tragedy by any means or measurement. I can say without hesitation or reservation that we all hope the  best for those who were injured and wounded in this incident.

But it also should be noted that there is very good reason to look askance at the newfound desire from Republicans for a “pause” on extreme and harsh political rhetoric in reaction to this event.  They argue that the blame for this shooting lies with the “Hate” that is being fostered by liberals for conservatives.  They say the source of the problem is that liberals just won’t shut up and leave our poor, poor snowflake conservative Congress critters alone.

I for one am here to tell you I have absolutely no intention of doing that, and I have plenty of reasons why not.

Continue to dailykos.com article: http://www.dailykos.com/stories/2017/6/18/1672035/-The-state-of-my-dangerous-liberal-rhetoric-will-remain-strong-and-loud


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