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This week in the war on workers: Self-driving cars will kill a lot of jobs. What then?


But we wanted the “Jetson” life when we were kids! A pill that equals an entire meal, robot pets hell robot anything, electronics to captivate our lives and of course driverless space highways  to make our lives easier yet no one really thought it could cause higher unemployment – PB/TK

This week in the war on workers: Self-driving cars will kill a lot of jobs. What then? By Laura Clawson Saturday Mar 25, 2017

A lot of companies are working on self-driving cars, hoping they’ll reshape a range of industries. That could provide benefits on some fronts, including the environment and road safety, but a lot of people work as drivers, so self-driving cars could have a massive impact on the jobs landscape. The Center for Global Policy Solutions has a report on autonomous vehicles, driving jobs, and the future of work, laying out the likely employment effects of such a shift and offering policy suggestions to protect workers during that transition.

“More than four million jobs will likely be lost with a rapid transition to autonomous vehicles,” according to the report. And that will hit some demographic groups particularly hard, starting with people with less than a bachelor’s degree.

Men would be hardest hit. They number about 6.5 times the share of the working female population in driving occupations and earn 64 percent more than women in these jobs. Although nearly as many women as men are bus drivers, men are the vast majority of those employed as delivery and heavy truck drivers and as taxi drivers and chauffeurs.

Whites hold 62 percent of the 4.1 million jobs in driving occupations, so they would experience the largest hit. However, Blacks, Hispanics, and Native Americans, groups who are overrepresented in these occupations and who earn a “driving premium”—a median annual wage exceeding what they would receive in non-driving occupations—would also be hard hit.

Continue to dailykos.com article: http://www.dailykos.com/stories/2017/3/25/1646899/-This-week-in-the-war-on-workers-Self-driving-cars-will-kill-a-lot-of-jobs-What-then


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