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Democrat who blasted Betsy DeVos over school vouchers is a big fan of school choice for his own kids


Oh AL! The hypocrisy runs deep from Minnesota.. No wait New York.. Now wait, your a Senator from Minnesota but your kids go to school in New York, while you’re in DC talking about helping people afford…. Oh nevermind this might turn into a Common Core math problem and I don’t have enough coffee in the keg to deal with it – PB/TK 

Democrat who blasted Betsy DeVos over school vouchers is a big fan of school choice for his own kids – 

Sen. Al Franken (D-Minn.) was one of Education Secretary  Betsy DeVos’ biggest critics during her confirmation hearing. One major point of contention Franken had with DeVos was her support for a voucher system for middle-class families. This, in part, led him to claim that DeVos was “fundamentally unqualified to lead the Education Department.”

“In reality, most school vouchers don’t cover the full cost of private school tuition,” Franken had said. “Nor do they cover additional expenses like transportation, school uniforms and other supplies.

“Which means the vouchers don’t create more choices for low-income families,” he said. “They simply subsidize existing choices for families who could already afford to pay for private school.”

However, information has surfaced that shows Franken isn’t opposed to school choice at all — at least not when it comes to his own family. According to the Daily Caller, Franken sends his own children to one of the most prestigious schools in New York, where tuition is more than the yearly salary of those Franken claims he’s looking out for.

Continue to theblaze.com article: http://www.theblaze.com/news/2017/03/09/democrat-who-blasted-betsy-devos-over-school-vouchers-is-a-big-fan-of-school-choice-for-his-own-kids/


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