Former CIA officer charged with spying for China, conspiring with relative who was also ex-CIA (MSN)


    Former CIA officer charged with spying for China, conspiring with relative who was also ex-CIA – By Kevin Johnson (USA Today) / Aug 17 2020

    A former CIA officer is accused of selling classified information to Chinese intelligence officials in exchange for thousands of dollars in gifts and cash as part of an alleged spying operation that ran for more than a decade, according to federal court documents.

    The espionage charge was unsealed Monday against Alexander Yuk Ching Ma, 67, who is alleged to have provided Chinese officials with information about CIA personnel, operations and the agency’s methods for concealing communications.

    Federal prosecutors allege that Ma, a naturalized U.S. citizen born in Hong Kong, conspired with an 85-year-old relative who also served as a former CIA officer.

    The relative was not charged, prosecutors said, because he suffers from a “delibitating cognitive disease.”

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