Safety first. For Idaho police, that sometimes means not wearing a mask, despite COVID (Idaho Statesman)


    Safety first. For Idaho police, that sometimes means not wearing a mask, despite COVID – By Jacob Scholl (Idaho Statesman) / Sept 22 2020

    From Boise and Ada County to areas in Eastern Idaho, masks have been mandated for those in public as a way to help stop the spread of the coronavirus.

    And where they have not been mandated, they have been strongly recommended and encouraged, starting at the top. Gov. Brad Little has said more than once that wearing a mask is “just the right thing to do” — for yourself and others.

    But what about for members of law enforcement?

    A survey of police agencies showed that none have written policies for masks, with departments often leaving that decision to their officers. There are a few exceptions, but with no uniform policy, it’s often as easy to find maskless officers as it is to find those with face coverings.

    And there’s a good reason for that, officials said.

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