Home Conservative SCOTUS dismisses NYC gun rights case (Hot Air)

SCOTUS dismisses NYC gun rights case (Hot Air)


SCOTUS dismisses NYC gun rights case – By Jazz Shaw (Hot Air) / April 27 2020

The Supreme Court handed down a ruling today in a case that many of us have been tracking closely because of its potential implications for Second Amendment rights in this country. In the case of New York State Rifle and Pistol Association v. City of New York, gun owners challenged a law that basically criminalized the transport of a legally owned firearm anywhere inside the city except when going directly to or from an approved shooting range. The complicating factor here was that as soon as the challenge to the law headed toward the Supreme Court, the city panicked and repealed the law, fearful of the national consequences that might follow if it was struck down.

It turns out that they didn’t have much to worry about. In a 5-3 ruling, the court dismissed the challenge, saying that the case was moot and they didn’t intend to rule on a law that’s no longer on the books. In other words, they punted. (National Review)

The Supreme Court on Monday dismissed a case brought by three New York City handgun owners challenging a city regulation that prohibited gun owners from transporting their firearms outside the city.

The court agreed to hear the case in December, but the city then amended the regulation to allow gun owners to bring firearms to other locations. The Supreme Court ruled 5-3 in an unsigned opinion that the case was moot because the city had amended its original regulation.

Continue to article: https://hotair.com/archives/jazz-shaw/2020/04/27/scotus-dismisses-nyc-gun-rights-case/


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