Home Conservative Trump to pull feds out of K-12 education

Trump to pull feds out of K-12 education


Can’t complain about this, always felt education should be at a state level. So does this mean DeVos will be unemployed soon – PB/TK 

Trump to pull feds out of K-12 education –  April 26, 2017

President Trump will sign an executive order Wednesday to start pulling the federal government out of K-12 education, following through on a campaign promise to return schools to state and local control.

The order, dubbed the “Education Federalism Executive Order,” will launch a 300-day review of Obama-era regulations and guidance for school districts and direct Education Secretary Betsy DeVos to modify or repeal measures deemed an overreach by the federal government, according to a senior administration official

“With this executive order, President Trump has reaffirmed his commitment to getting the federal government out of the way and returning control over education back where it belongs at the state and local level,” said the officials, who briefed reporters on background in advance of the signing ceremony later Wednesday.

Echoing Mr. Trump’s views on education, the official stressed that since the founding of the U.S., schools were intended to be under state control, but the federal government has increasingly usurped that authority.

“This EO takes a significant step toward eliminating D.C.-driven regulations that tend to control what students are or aren’t taught,” the official said.

Continue to washingtontimes.com article: http://www.washingtontimes.com/news/2017/apr/26/donald-trump-pull-feds-out-k-12-education/


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